The most Selfish word

  • Post By admin
  • 16 August, 2018
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The most selfish 1 letterd word - ''I".
And what "I" stands for - for "EXPECTATIONS", I should be treated like this, I should be loved like this, I should be respected like this, I should be given these many marks, I should not given this, "we all leading a Life of super high expectations"
Everything revolves around us, my opinions, my desires, my likes, my dislikes, I loved this, I want this, I don't want this,..........."I" ....."I" ......"I".........!!!!!!!!!!!.
You think like life will be very happy, when it around "I" .
From our childhood we grown up like this, we only learn to take ,and everyone has to fulfill my expectations.
Everything is upto my expectations.
All of us living in society is not speared with "I".
If youngsters are not speared boyfriends, girlfriends are not speared, how could religious people are speared, even religious people coming to temple are not speard from "I".
I don't think sooo..!!!!!!!! . Religious people come to temple and asking from God give me what "I" want. No one comes to say, "I" love you, "I" want to give you.
And soooooo..!!!!!!!!!!..... and that's why,
We are saying "ASK WHAT GOD CAN DO FOR YOU, ASK WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR GOD NO ONE ASKS THAT", Because "I" is sooo big, my expectations,my desires, my things, are so powerful that even when we come to a temple and ring the bell all we doing is asking.
Because people don't exist in this world to just fulfill your expectations.
Therefore, the most selfish 1 letterd word is "I" Which stands for "EXPECTATIONS"
And therefore, AVOID this word , How do you avoid this word.
Having expectations is not problem, but understand that everyone will not fullfill your "EXPECTATIONS".
Secondly avoid this word "I" By trying to serve others, why??, Because When you want to be served you dependent on other people they may not serve you, when you want to serve, who can stop you, when you want respect, people may not respect, when you want to respect others, whon can stop you, when you want to be loved you may not be loved, but when you want to give love, who can stop you,and therefore, learn to begin your journey from  "I" TO "YOU" the more you want for your self will remain frustrated, the more you want to give you will remain happy

Article By:-
Abhinav Choubey.


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