• Post By admin
  • 16 August, 2018
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Once there was a time where a person wouldn’t start his/her day without praying to the Lord or without taking his blessings. Lord here means both the Almighty who has created the universe and also our Parents who has given birth and nourishment so that we could live such a lifestyle that we have now. People here have a careless and carefree attitude about their lives, they do whatever they want and doesn’t care for anyone.
Touching feet of elders as a mark of respect is an age old practice in Indian tradition. But usually people do not consider it right as their modern traditions over power the ancient traditions saying that respect cannot only be shown in the form of touching feet and so on. Feet is the same as foundation for buildings. When one bend down and touch the feet of elders, our ego is automatically subdued and it indicates that we respect their age, wisdom, achievements and experience. When one touches the feet of elders by bending down there is a closed circuit established between the person who is seeking blessing and the one blessing him/her. Also there is another circuit formed where energy and blessing is transferred when the elderly person touches the upper head of the person with his/her hand.
This piece of scientific knowledge was not known by anyone but after one has become acknowledged with it he/she can make sure of practicing it whenever he/she comes in acquaintance of some elderly person.
Maybe there must be many who think that showing respect in this form is unnecessary in this modern era where folding hands to say a Namaste to elders is such a big achievement, but I would still insist that sometimes it happens that while a person is tensed or frightened about some happening of an event like in case of exams, job interviews etc which are common now a days one has to have some positive vibes or energy so that he/she can face it without any fear of being dejected or rejected. Like for some people listening songs would calm their mind, this is another form to gain strength to face the situation. One can feel confident of the positive energy being around him/her and which will eventually make him/her confident enough to face any kind of situation ahead. Through this article I just wanted to revive the old Indian culture and spread positivity around as by touching feet of elders, even our elders will get their set of happiness within our changing attitude towards them.
Article by:-
Srija Ramkrisshnan.


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