Cashback Giftcard Voucher

  • Post By admin
  • 15 November, 2018
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  • 517
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Cashback Giftcard Vouchers


Now Earn on Your Every Purchase, Earn A Cashback Giftcard Voucher on every your purchase.

  1. Cashback on every Order Placed on
  2. Offer Duration 01st Nov 2018 - 31st Dec 2018
  3. Cashback Will be processed within 5-7 days from the Delivery of the product.
  4. User have to apply coupon "EARN"  on Checkout.
  5. Validity of the Offer, One day (07th November 2018)
  6. Offer is Subjectilability and stock of the product
  7. Offer not valid on Discounted products.
  8. Offer Valid on Majority of Products
  9. Offer can not be clubbed with any other product.
  10. Cashback amount will be credited in the form of Cashback Giftcard vouchers.
  11. User can check the Giftcard under Coupon/ Vouchers Section in their Dashboard.
  12. Validity of the vouchers will be 6 Months from the date of Issue.
  13. User can use the Giftcard Coupon on next order.
  14. User can Merge/ Divide their Giftcard Vouchers for complying Min cart Value.
  15.  To Merge/ Divide Coupons user can send an E-mail at
  16. CA CS Network Giftcard Vouchers can be Easily accessed from the vouchers option in dashboard of the user account on website.
  17. CA CS NETWORK Reserves its sole rights to change  the offer terms or stop or Extend the offer without any prior notice to customers.


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