The veracious lessons of life ..

  • Post By Shubhi Bansal
  • 18 December, 2018
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  • 510
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THE VERACIOUS LESSONS OF LIFE... Failure knocks at everyone's door Like lighting ,it strikes And knocks her down to the floor. Down she goes; what else? Be bold; The truth of life is not to stop or stay down A human in despair will ever frown. Great are the one who always try, Even after their death, they never die. The ship goes down..! A car can crash anywhere around Anyone can slip, either you or me; For sure it may leave a great wound. To ameliorate from this is a must. Else stay down to kiss the dust, Because great are the ones who always try, Even after their death they never die..! Stumble, fail, get up and repeat.! Keep ascending the stairs until you succeed. To witness the time when your fortunes meet And finally rejoice because this is what you need. The people who work hard are often remembered Forgotten are they who hopelessly surrendered Because great are the one who always try Even after their death, they never die....! The veracious lessons of life are to never back down And never cry If a mountain is too high. You can often fall from the top; Despised by your town. But don't let yourself sit back and sigh Because difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. While losers may sit and make estimations. Remember great are the ones who always try, Even after their death, they never die....! by- SHUBHI BANSAL


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