
  • Post By admin
  • 16 August, 2018
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You are not a SEXUAL OBJECT! - not a PUNCHING BAG -not a target for EMOTIONAL ABUSE! You worth more than that! You were created by God to be a Partner to MEN not a SLAVE, to provide Strength and support to them not to be used and manipulated by them. You have your Dignity and Self Worth. Never sacrifice those.

You are the one who have to be treated well you are the one who have to be kept on  head as crown and not on the foot toes.

I believe woman is the strongest person on this planet, one is not called strong by its muscles and by the shape of body, it is you who is Mentally Strong who have a strength to bear everything, who leaves her home, her parents, her livelihood, everything just for his husband it's the responsibility of his man to protect her, to support her to always cheer her and keep faith.

You are the one who is called as God gift, people treats the coins and stones that they have got from temple as a gift but "THE REAL GIFT is YOU"

I request all please respect girls and support them, yes they might be stranger to you but they also might be someone's sister, someone's mother or someone's wife RESPECT THEM AND SUPPORT THEM.

Blog by:-
Saheb Dumbwani


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